(Listed Alphabetically by Last Name)
Caleb Bass
Caleb received his Bachelor’s degree from the College at Southeastern and his Master of Divinity at SEBTS. He is a Chaplain endorsed by NAMB of the SBC and the N.C. Sheriff’s Chaplain Association and currently serves as Chaplain for the Chowan County Sheriff’s Office.
He is currently available for pulpit supply.
Telephone:  252-339-9980
Email:  Rev.caleb@icloud.com

Andrew Browder
Andrew is a graduate of SEBTS where he earned a Masters of art degree in Church Planting. He and his wife, Morgan, are currently planting a church in Elizabeth City. Prior to moving to Elizabeth City, Andrew was serving in various capacities (including leading worship, discipleship, and preaching) at the Bridge Church in Cullowhee, NC for 9 years.
He is available through September 2024 for pulpit supply.
Telephone:  252-339-4917
Email:  Andrew@redemptioncityec.com     

Dr. Steve Hankins
Steve surrendered to Vocational ministry a little later in life and is semi-retired after 20 years of ministry. He is recently published and you can check out his website at www.renewingtheheart.org.
Telephone:  603-828-4139
He is available for pulpit supply.
Email:  Stevehankins77@gmail.com

Donald Joyner
Donald received his M. DIV From SEBTS 1987 and served 34 years in ministry, 28 years as a Senior Pastor.
Telephone:  804-216-2950
Email:  Drdwjoyner80@gmail.com

Rick Lawrenson
Rick retired after 30 years from Nags Head Church.
Telephone:  252-256-2621
Email:  ricklawrenson@gmail.com

Garry C. Mickey, Sr.
Garry received his Masters degree from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1983. He has been the pastor of several churches including four churches in our association. He has also taught in public schools and has preached as interim and pulpit supply for several churches.
Telephone: 252-333-5959
80 River Walk Dr., Washington, NC 27889

Glenn Niemeyer
Glenn has been involved in ministry for over 20 years. Prior to pastoring two churches, he served supplying for numerous churches and has done other ministry in other countries. He is living in Elizabeth City and is available for pulpit supply.
Telephone:  318-476-1693
Email:  glenn.niemeyer@gmail.com

Stanley Nixon
Stanley has retired from Pastoral ministry with 43 years of preaching experience.
Phone: 252-337-4250
1446 East Bear Swamp Rd., Hertford, NC 27944

Rev. Charles Reber
“Preacher Charlie”, as many call him, has pastored in our association for many years and has preached in many of our associational churches.
He is currently available for pulpit supply.
Telephone:  252-542-0236
Email:  obxreber@embarqmail.com

Charles Stevens
Charles pastored for over 50 years before retiring after about 15 years from Providence Baptist Church. He has preached in several of our Associational churches.
He is currently available for pulpit supply.
Telephone:  252-340-5315

Joe Stuter
Joe has served as associate pastor in W. Va. and in Elizabeth City as well as pastor at Engelhard Baptist.
Having retired in 2022, he is available for pulpit supply and interim service.
Telephone:  252-340-4399
Email:  stuterjoe@gmail.com

Bill Thorn
Bill has served in our association, at Poplar Branch as well as Pastor of Burgess Baptist church for over 15 years.
He is currently available for pulpit supply.
Telephone:  252-619-7262
Email:  brobillt@juno.com

Rev. Bob Young
Rev. Bob Young is retired from 32 years at Macedonia Baptist Church.  He has served several churches as interim since retirement.
Bob is currently available for pulpit supply, but is not available for Interim at this time.
Telephone:  252-370-2815